I realized today that no matter how different cultures, government, and religion can be kids are the same no matter where you are in the world. I believe this is due in part to their pure and unadulterated minds. The darker side to this universal truth is, however, that their innocence never remains.
I say this because of an encounter I had today. While playing with my little friend, Li Jiang, an older man passed by in a group of people during the normal lunch rush hour and shouted something towards both of us, but it was meant to be instructions for Li Jiang. He spoke too fast for me but I caught a few choice words like “Watch out for…foreigner…stay away...go inside/home.” A few people in the crowd looked back at me and laughed. I looked down and Li Jiang as she was holding my hand, and she looked up at me and said, “Let’s keep playing.” Because Li Jiang is the only person in China that I fully understand all the time we have become good friends…I guess my best friend over here is a six year old girl…
I cannot understand why my intentions would be so misread. I give Li Jiang some type of toy or treat every day and play with her for at least an hour, because I know she is always hungry and does not have any other children to play with. She lives in the store with her family and just runs errands for her mother all day; like picking up dumplings or giving 5 yuan to the post man for a delivery. The old man’s words just show how backwards some people can be when it comes to differences. I admit I have done the same thing, but I never realized how senseless it is to remain hostile to someone who is different. It took me a trip to China where I am suddenly the minority to discover truly how ridiculous prejudice can be.
Remember that when you see a stereotype activated. Have you noticed any Chinese stereotypes?