Monday, January 24, 2011

Beijing is Steel Country

Here we go Steelers, here we go!

There is nothing like watching the Steelers advance to the Super Bowl and a chance at their 7th ring while having a Guinness, hot dog with sauerkraut and ketchup, and a piece of coconut cream pie at your favorite American Diner in Beijing.  It is good to be an American: beer, hot dogs, pie, and football.  The Han Dynasty was as defining to China as a country as football is as defining to my life.  Forget wearing red for the Chinese New Year next week, I am wearing black and gold!  The only problem will be watching the game at 8 in the morning on a Monday.

The best part is I will be in Shanghai for the Super Bowl and I heard there is a Steelers Bar.  Now the trick will be finding it.

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